Happy Anniversary!


This weekend marked the 2 year anniversary of the site. To any of you who actively visit the site, Thank you. I don't make money off of this site; I help creative minds.

I started this site to blog about things i find interesting out there in technology. It has turned into a site mostly showcasing the various hacks and mods i have accomplished. I promise there will be many more to come. That you can be sure of. As for daily active posting... Once i find a viable way of posting with my blackberry without using up an hour, i will do so.

I am currently working on finding myself a nice, lightweight tablet, along with one of those nifty roll up keyboards, They will weigh half as much as my netbook and take up a flatter area in my bag... which i need to clean out soon. You'd be surprised how many gadgets can accumulate after a while.

Anyway, as far as the site is concerned, I plan on going the same route as before, I will however, work on bringing more content. I am going to re-start my quest to find a few people to help me actively keep news coming in. I could bow down to an RSS feed, but that is not original.

Again thanks, and Happy Birthday Techno-holics!

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